Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sean's e-mail Mar. 24,

Hey Everyone,

Hey there everyone. Well first off, we had transfers yesterday that's why I couldn't write. I didnt get transferred from my area but I had to go to Merida to pick up my ¨kid¨. I am going to be training a new missionary. I am really excited to have the opportunity to train. I am still in Cancun and I am really excited about that.

There is a lot of work to be done here and we are planning a big baptismal service for the 13th of April, all of the missionaries in Cancun are putting their baptismal dates for the 13th and we are going to have 50 baptisms in one baptismal service. It is going to be really sweet.

I have been studying a lot this week about faith and how we really can do anything if we have the faith. Every miracle or wonder that anyone has ever done or experienced in this world was because of their exceeding faith. I have really changed my whole perspective on my mission. Before, there were always limits in my mind or I thought that if we baptize 2 or 3 we are good. There really is NO limit to the miracles that we can do here in this life. In the Book of Mormon it tells of Nephi and the change that he put into the hearts of the Lamanites and that 8000 were baptized unto repentance. This next month we have set a goal of at least 10 baptisms. We will be putting all of our faith in the Lord and we will be working like everything depends on us. I know that the Lord will help us reach this goal as long as we have the faith and the good works to fulfill the promise that he has given to us. Whatever we ask, that is just, it will be given us if we ask with faith. I know that the church is true and that through faith we can do ANYTHING.

I love you all and thank you for all of your letters this week, sorry that I don't have time to write back to all of them. I pray for you all everyday. Have a great week and be good.

Elder Wood

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