Monday, November 24, 2008

Weekly letter

Hey Everyone,

This letter is not going to be very long because we don't have a lot of time to write today.

This week was really different. I got a new companion who is going home this coming that has been pretty interesting. I really hope that my new companion that is not going home soon.

Just to answer some of the questions that mom had in her e-mail. No my house is on the bottom and it is a lot bigger than my last house. It has an office and a living room and a separate bedroom and a bigger kitchen. It is really nice and I like it a lot better.

I am feeling a lot more fluent in my Spanish. I can understand pretty much everything and I can have a conversation with pretty much anyone pretty easily. There are still times when I don't know what is going on or what is being said because I dont have a HUGE vocabulary still. We get to see the President 2 times a month, for our monthly Zone Conference and for interviews, which we have today. We have District Meething once a week on P-Days and we have Zone Conference once a month. I don't know what we will be doing for Christmas yet. Elder McQuevey is still the Zone Leader of my Zone and is in my District . At the end of this month he will have had 9 months in this area....crazy!!

This week we had a really special opportunity to baptize a man in the Ward who has been active in the church for almost 5 years and has been investigating the church for 9 years. His wife ran into us on Wednesday and said that he needed to talk to us because he was ready to be we had the interview on Thursday and he was baptized on Friday. The Bishop baptized him and it was a really spiritual experience. He cried almost the whole time. Almost the whole Ward was there for the baptism. It was really special for me to see the joy that he has and the joy that his family has. Now they are all members and they have a goal of getting to the Temple in one year to be sealed as a family for eternity. I am really happy for them!

Well I better go because I need to write one other e-mail before I go. I love you all and thanks so much for everything. I pray for you all every day and night.

Love, Sean

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