Monday, November 10, 2008

Weekly letter

Hey Everyone,

Well another week has come and gone so fast. I can't believe that this week will be my 6 month mark.....Crazy.

This week was really different than usual. Pretty much all we did this week was get our new house ready to move into. The lady that is renting it to us is a less active member of our Ward so we were doing a lot of service for her by working on the house. We painted the whole inside and painted some of the windows (the metal part). It was a pretty big project but it was good to have a little change for a few days.

We had a really good experience this week. We were with a family that is inactive and they are having some trouble financially. They were talking with each other about what they needed to do in their lives to have joy and peace. They told us that they were praying and trying to figure out what to do. We felt like we should visit them one night in our planning session. The next day we contacted them and the Dad said that he had been talking with his wife about their situation no more than 5 minutes before we walked around the corner....he knew right when he saw us that we were coming to talk to him. We had a good lesson with them and they are a good family. They were not at Church this Sunday though. We need to work with them a bit more and get them back active in the Church. They have a son who is 10 who is not baptized so we are going to work with the dad and get him worthy to baptize his son next month. I will keep you updated on that.

As for the rest of the week, we really didnt have much time to work. Moving in the mission is not very fun. We are in the new house now and its good. We don't have hot water at all so that is fun. Showers in the morning are amazingly cold....haha but its all part of the mission. We had our baptism on Saturday and that was really good. The lady that we baptized has been active in the Church for a while, she was even paying her tithing and stuff. She only needed to be baptized so we set a date and it was a really good experience for her.

As for the whole Christmas thing. I don't really need anything. Some peanut butter would be nice. They only sell peanut butter in little little containers and it is expensive. So I guess that is my only real request. Don't go spend a bunch of money on me for Christmas mom and dad. You guys are already paying for a lot. We will call the camera that I bought my present for Christmas. Thanks for the extra money. Dont feel like you have to give me money. I know you guys have expenses and need to save for the future.

My companion goes home this week and I will be getting a new companion next Monday. I will probably be in a threesome from Saturday untill Monday night.

That's about all I have to report this week. Thanks for all your e-mails and the pictures on the Blog site....they are awesome. I love you all very much and I am really excited to talk to you at Christmas. Have a great week! I was going to attach some pictures but the place that we are writing from this week is a little crappy and doesn't have USB hook-ups....I will send them next week. I love you all very much, thanks for your prayers and support. You are all in my prayers everyday also.


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