Monday, October 20, 2008

Weekly letter


Wow I just have to start out by saying that I have such an awesome family. I am so blessed to be a part of such a wonderful family. I can really see the love that we have as a family. A lot of people here have a lot of problems in their families....or a lack of love. Thanks for all the love that you have for me and for each other. I am here in the internet cafe writing this e-mail. They just turned on the music really loud and its some Eminem song....pretty funny. Sometimes we can't see how much we have changed until we really look back at things we used to do.

This week has been a really good week, we are still working hard with the Ward and working with the less active members in the ward. My companion goes home in 4 weeks. I was really blessed to have a companion like him to start out my mission with. He really has taught me good. I am still learning how to teach in Spanish but it's getting better. This week was really good at church, we had 6 investigators and 4 or 5 less active members come to church. There were 120 people that attended this week. It was the most that have been in Sacrament meeting since Elder Cabrera got here. So ya the work is moving along here good. We are working hard and the Lord is blessing us. I am glad to hear that some of you guys had missionary experiences this week. Keep up the good work. Remember that you don't have to convert non members, less active members are just as important as those people that don't have the gospel. If not more important because they have to gospel and are not living it. I am reminded of a quote from Jeffrey R Holland in one of his talks he said, " I am convinced that missionary work is not easy, because salvation is not a cheap can we ever expect it to be easy when it never was easy for Him (The Lord)". Missionary work is definitly not easy but the things that are easy in life are the things that we dont receive the greatest blessings for. I am certain that if we put the Lord FIRST in EVERYTHING that we do, we will be blessed beyond measure.

I have another challenge for everyone. We as a mission have started reading the Book of Mormon from the beginning, with a goal to finish by the end of the year. We all have a new copy of the BOM (paperback) and we are marking all the references to Jesus Christ with a color ( Lamb, He, Reedemor, Savior, ect.). Mark all the times that Jesus Christ is speaking with another color and all the Christ-like attributes with another color. I challenge all of you to start doing this in your personal study. I know that you will be blessed by doing this and your love for the Savior will grow. Your testimony of the Book of Mormon will become stronger that the Book of Mormon really is another testament of Jesus Christ.

I love you all and hope that you have a great week. Thank you all for your letters. Im sorry that I can't write you all back but I dont have a lot of time. I love you all and miss you a lot. I pray for you all every day and hope that you are all happy in life. Oh ya another thing, a lot of people here sit and watch TV like all day. I would challenge everyone to be a little more active this week in things that will bring us closer to Christ instead of watching TV or doing things that are not important in our life. The Second Coming is close and we need to be prepared.

Oh yeah, the picture of the tree is just a really big tree that I thought was cool looking. And the other is Elder Cabrera and I outside of our apartment this morning just before we came to write e-mails.
I love you guys....thanks so much for everything.


PS - Dad, we have not gotten to go to the ruins or anything yet but it's ok, I'm not really that interested right now in visiting the tourists sites. I will have plenty of time after my mission to come and see all that stuff. Im sure that we will go at some point but it's ok, im not sad about it.

1 comment:

Will said...

Thanks for posting this stuff Brooke! Keep it coming! I really appreciate it!